Monday, April 23, 2012

Quote sharing...

I haven't shared a quote for a really long time! Life at our house has been hectic lately so I'll blame my long hiatus on that!

Here you go...

"Success means fulfilling your own dreams, singing your own song, dancing your own dance, creating from your heart and enjoying the journey, trusting that whatever happens, it will be OK. Creating your own adventure!" ~ Elana Lindquist

I got the quote from one of my favorite inspirational websites, "The Daily Guru".

I loved it and needed to hear it this morning...especially the 'trusting whatever happens, it will be OK' part! Some days I get so caught up in the worry and fear, but I must make a point to tell myself that it will be OK. Things always manage to work themselves out.

And here's a photo of one of my paintings from a few years ago...I like to look at this one when I'm feeling overwhelmed by life...

OK...I have to get moving. Of all things we are bracing ourselves for a big snow storm today! What the heck?!?! It's April 23rd and Mother Nature is playing big time games with us here in the Northeast! Unreal! I say it all the time...why do I live here???

Well, there's not much we can do about it so we'll just hang in there for a couple of days. Then hopefully the warmth will be back!

I'll be sharing more goodies soon...until then,

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