Friday, June 19, 2009

Feature Friday - June 19, 2009

First of all I MUST apologize for not posting a feature last Friday. Everything was extremely hectic for me! It was the first week my kids were off from school...something I was nervous about to begin with. But it ended up that the cause of my stress wasn't the kids after was the dog! She was a nutcase! Uppity all week long...nervous, panting, following me EVERYWHERE!! I was completely freaked trying to figure out what was going on with her. So dealing with that issue along with my already crazy, chaotic life just wiped me out and I didn't have any time to sit down and get my thoughts together.

But this week I have a great feature and I'm so excited to share it with you. I planned on featuring this wonderful artist a few weeks ago, but I had other artists lined up first so I had to hold off. Then finally last week her turn came. All settled and poised to learn more about her art I went to her site. I was admirng her creations and trying to decide which photos I wanted to use in my feature. But while at her website I got sidetracked. I was so intrigued with her work that I ended up shopping instead of researching and bought 2 pieces of artwork from her! I just got them in the mail yesterday and let me tell you...her work is lovely!!

You're wondering, 'Who's the artist Jane's raving about this week?''s none other than...


A few weeks back I discovered Kate's work on Etsy. I immediately fell in love with her adorable porcelain houses...

They're so darn cute! Each one has it's own personality...simply adorable!

I saved her shop in my favorites and included a photo of one of her houses in a small blog feature I called 'Home Sweet Home Again'.

Along with her porcelain houses here are a few other items she's offering...colorful and whimsical...right up my alley!

Round Blue Pot

And I saw this piece with a dragonfly and thought it was pretty, too:

Fly Away Home

***I don't know why but I have this 'thing' for dragonflies...well I say I don't know why, but I have my theories...but that's another blog post for another day.***

And finally I want to share these...

So funky-lookin' with an 'outside-of-the-box' design! I liked them so much...

...I bought them! Aren't they so-o-o pretty and colorful?!?! I LOVE them both!!! The colors are fabulous and the designs are big and all over...just the way I like! Right now the blue one sits on my dining room table and the red one is on my desk. They look great and I'm so happy that I bought them!

I know if you were to take some time and click on over to DreamrKate's Etsy Shop you're bound to like her work as much as I do.

Oh...and a quick little side note...her prices are very reasonable, too! You can't beat that now can you???

Okay...I'm off to take my son to a friends house then it's back to work for me. Lots of orders to work on and others to wrap and get ready for shipping. A busy Friday for me and I'm looking forward to the weekend and some time off!

More fun things on the way...

Until then,

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