Saturday, June 06, 2009

Baby Blue Jay

Yesterday morning I opened the back door to let the dog out to do her business. As I peered out the door I saw this at the edge of our deck...

...a cute, chubby and furry baby Blue Jay! The poor thing was so scared! I guess it was time for Mama Blue Jay to kick him/her out of the nest. As I was watching it and snapping a few pictures another baby Blue Jay plopped onto one of our deck chairs. I don't have a picture of that but I do have a video of it making it's first flight off the deck and into the grass. That was a cool sight to see! (I'd share it here, but I tried and it didn't work for me.)

We watched them both off and on all day and at one point the two of them got back together under the tree closest to the deck...

Then later in the afternoon we found them together sitting side by side on this old leaf bag (that I neglected to put in the garbage for spring leaf pick up)...

Later in the evening my husband and I were able to get away for a dinner date to celebrate our 16th anniversary. Once we got home my youngest son, Sean, kept asking me to go out with him to see if we could find the baby birds. It was dark and I never thought we'd ever find them. But, lo and behold, he spotted one...

I couldn't believe it! So stinkin' cute and almost asleep! We snapped a handful of pictures and came back inside. Then Sean went into panic mode..."But, Mom what if a raccoon gets it??? Do raccoons eat birds??? What if one of the neighborhood cats gets it??? Can't we bring it in???" I felt bad saying no but there was no way I'd bring a wild bird into our house. I tried explaining the theory of 'Survival of the Fittest', but that didn't ease his worries at all. He got on the internet and researched to see if raccoons ate baby birds, etc. It was so heartwarming for me to witness his compassion in full force!

Meanwhile, I had to get up at the crack of dawn this morning so I peeked out the back window thinking it would be gone...but it was still sitting on that branch. Unreal! But now it's later in the morning and it's gone. I feel bad, but what could I do? I'll go out again to see if I can find it, but I'm sure either it was hungry and gathered some strength and started to fly...or else...

Well you know...

Okay, time to get to work and ship some packages before I get a day off.

More fun stories and interesting finds to come...

Until then,

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