Saturday, June 06, 2009

Cleaning out my computer files...

...and I found a photo of a drawing that I wanted to share...but before I show the one I like so much let me backtrack...

You may or may not know this, but along with my house portraits I also sell hand crafted custom moving announcements. A customer simply submits photos of their new house via email or snail mail and then I draw a portrait of it. Once complete, I scan the portrait, resize the scanned image and then print the smaller image on note cards. The new address information will be printed on the inside. I sold MANY of these cards over the years, but that market came tumbling down along with the real estate crisis. I still get a few note card orders now and again, but nothing like in the past. Here are a couple sample photos...

Meanwhile, a few years ago a customer and her husband built their dream house down in the Outer Banks of North Carolina...their 'sand castle'. She wanted me to create custom moving announcement cards for her, but rather than have me draw a portrait of the actual house she requested that I draw a sand castle for her cards.

I was so nervous to do something so different, but it ended up that I was able to come up with this sketch rather quickly. I always loved how it turned out. Sometimes I use it as a graphic for my Images of Home buttons or logos or what not.

My family and I vacation at the beaches of North Carolina as often as we can so perhaps this sand castle has such appeal to me because we're beach nuts. But whatever...I always liked it...

More sharing on the way soon...

Until then,

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