Thursday, November 06, 2008

The election...

...whomever was your choice for president we all should be thrilled at the number of younger citizens who got involved.

My youngest son is 10. He was so interested in what was going on. The night of the election he had the computer set to a page on Yahoo that showed the results as they came in. Every time there was an update he hollered it out to me as I sat in the living room watching things unfold on TV.

My heart was bursting with happiness to see his excitement and I was so proud of him! I'm sure you agree that our kids need to understand how important every election is. My dad was involved in our tiny little township's political scene. At a young age I was exposed to elections and politics and how it all happens. I wish he were still here to talk to my kids about his experience.

I thought it was great that so many young voters not only registered, but also made it a point to vote.

I hope and pray that our youth stay involved...after all is said and done they are the ones who will inherit this world and all of it's issues...good or bad.

More later...

Jane :)

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