Monday, October 03, 2011


I'm getting back into the swing of things! Well, at least I *HOPE* to get back into my business life with more zest and zeal!

This whole year has been kind of crazy with family issues. Nothing serious, but it just seems I rarely have enough time to really focus on what *REALLY* needs done where my business is concerned. But I won't complain about family has always been my priority! My oldest son started his senior year and has been focusing on college so I am trying very hard to treasure my time with my family. I can't seem to grasp how FAST the years have gone by!

That big up and coming life change has kept my attention. Plus with my mom's passing away last December some days I feel that I just don't have the same passion that I used to. But that's another story that I'll share at another time.

Meanwhile, I did manage to get my websites updated.

Images of Home - - was only updated with the holiday cutoff information.

And my other website, Creative Name Signs - - has been updated with a new look with the header along with other SEO tweaking that needed attention.

With the ecomonic downturn my sales were a bit slower over the past few months. But *fortunately* things are picking up which is normal at this time of year. The holiday season is ALWAYS my busiest time of the year. WooHoo! Bring it on!

Well, I need to get back to work. I hope all is well with all of you!

Best wishes for a happy fall! I hope to be back again very soon with more thoughts, contemplations, quotes and more!

Until then,

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