Friday, June 26, 2009

Feature Friday - June 26, 2009

Happy Friday everyone! Here we are at the end of another crazy week. I don't know about you but the weather here in western Pa has been fabulous! Yes, it's been hot, but that's the way I like it. I was outside sanding several pieces of wood for name sign orders and I was sweating like crazy. But I didn't care. I quickly recalled all the cold winter days when I was standing out there in that exact same spot freezing to death. I told myself, 'Jane, just shut up and don't you dare complain about the heat!' So I continued on and happily soaked up the sun.

I'm trying like heck to savor these glorious summer days because they go by so quickly.

Earlier this week I finally had some free time and I decided to do some Etsy surfing. I love dragonflies and did a search for artwork featuring these colorful creatures. I looked around a bit and stumbled upon an incredible artist who creates these fabulous pieces of artwork! I loved her work immediately! I knew instantly that I wanted to feature her work so I contacted her, she agreed we are! I'm so excited!

My Feature Friday artist this week is...

Wood With Heart - Shanney B Creations

This step stool is the first item in her shop that I came across and immediately I was mesmerized...can you blame me??? Look how darling!!

Children's Step Stool

Then I saw this table...OMG!!! The detail is incredible...just look:

Tropical Side Table

And here's more...

Lady Bug Tea Party

Holy cow!! Just looking at these three photos gets me all worked up!! The colors...the whimsy...the warmth of every one of her items is simply overwhelming!

And I HAVE to add this...I have a few wood burned items listed for sale in my Etsy shop. Wood burning is not easy. It takes lots of skill and patience to get the designs burned. And then it takes even more time to do the painting. All I can say is this woman's work is 'outta this world'!

Please take a moment to visit her shop. Everything she creates is breathtaking!

I hope you all enjoy this week's feature...there will be more on the way! Not sure if I'll have a chance to post a feature next Friday. My brother and his family will be in town visiting so my time will be limited. But after next week everything should be back to normal.

(Well, as normal as my chaotic and nutty life can be!)

Until then take care...

1 comment:

TLC Inspirations said...

Those are quite lovely...especially the children's stool. It's just so fun and full of whimsy.

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