Monday, September 06, 2004

A "Bizy Moms" Fan

When I first started researching the thought of starting a home based business I came across a number of wonderful sites that were extremely helpful.

Bizy Moms

Entreprenurial Parent

Money Making Mommies

There are tons more available on the net and you can easily become overwhelmed, so start small. The sites listed above are the ones I chose to start with.

Before I get too involved please understand something - I didn't wake up one day with the idea to draw house portraits. The idea came to me one day after MONTHS of research. So forge ahead knowing that this journey is not going to be easy and it won't happen overnight. It takes time and patience to figure all of this out. Be honest with yourself and don't just make a choice based on how much money you can make. Base your choice on your interest, too. Sure the money is a goal, but the more important goal in all of this is to do what you love!

Of the sites I have listed above "Bizy Moms" was my favorite. They have a section called Biz Ideas that I visited very often. I went to that section on a daily basis and probably read almost every article. Each and every story is great and very inspirational. If you can, read them all!! Even if the business idea wasn't one of my choices or the path I wanted to take the stories still completely inspired and motivated me hang in there and start something. It was so encouraging to read the stories of the women who started with nothing and turned their lives around!

A few months after I figured out my path and got things set up I was so grateful to have stumbled upon the Bizy Moms site. Out of gratitude, I chose to to contribute my story. I wrote my story back in 2001. After a few months Bizy Moms added my story to their Biz Ideas section. I was thrilled to be listed among the hundreds of talented business owners there. But more importantly, over the past few years several women and men have contacted me because of that story. I tried helping whenever possible. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to 'give back'.

Jane - A Painting Mom


Unknown said...

HI! It looks like we have a lot in common. I too am a stay-at-home mother of three! I'd love to hear about your ideas and thoughts on my paintings if you get time.

earn money at home said...

Great blog. I am a stay at home mom and I work from home. It is so rewarding getting to stay home with my beautiful daughter and having the opportunity to earn an income too! One piece of advice is to find the RIGHT home business venture. There are just so many illegitimate programs out there that promise but don't deliver.

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