Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wow! It's Been A While!!

Yes, I am still here folks! Just like most of the world I've been overwhelmed with the crazy holiday festivities! But it's all good...very 'busy crazy' but good!

My brother was here for a few days with his son and we had a great visit. Once they left to go back to Illinois then it was 'regroup time'. I had to pick up the pieces of the busy holiday weekend. I am finally feeling like my house is somewhat normal again. But it really won't be all the way normal (whatever that means) until the kids get back to school.

This Saturday is New Year's Eve and we'll be spending the evening with our close family friends.

Then on New Year's Day we'll have football games on the t.v. while our crock pot slowly cooks up our traditional New Year's dinner of pork and sauerkraut to bless our new year with good luck!

I hope you all are having a joyous holiday season!

I'll be in touch soon with more fun...until then,

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